|  |  | Dear Lourenço Nisticò, The power behind every PETA victory—from rescuing a neglected "backyard dog" to saving thousands of animals from deadly chemical-warfare experiments—is generous support from PETA members. Will you help us win even more victories for animals by becoming a member for 2012 right now? Our drive for 2,012 new card-carrying PETA members is gaining strength, and a generous PETA supporter has agreed to donate $10 for every new member toward that goal during January. There may be no better time to join than now, when your membership gift will go $10 further toward helping animals. Along with a subscription to our colorful and informative magazine Animal Times, all PETA members receive a membership card as a reminder of their power as PETA donors. While PETA counts among our members people of every political persuasion and every religion—or no religion at all—all are united against cruelty to animals. The PETA membership card represents each donor's dedication to helping animals and fighting against their abuse and is a symbol of pride for Alec Baldwin and thousands of other compassionate people who financially support the most effective animal rights organization the world has ever seen. Your gift during our new-member drive will strengthen our efforts to protect the rights of all animals to live free from misery and fear. Because our opponents are so well funded and well connected, I cannot give you the details on some of PETA's upcoming fights for animals during 2012. But I can let you know that animals are suffering from terrible abuse right now. Cats are having their heads cut open in needless experiments. Elephants are being struck, shackled, and forced to perform confusing and often painful tricks. Dogs are being left out in the cold with no shelter and no companionship. By becoming a PETA member today, you'll strengthen our efforts to rescue those cats, release those elephants from their life of pain, and give whatever comfort we can to those lonely, freezing dogs. We work to stop cruelty to all animals wherever it may occur, but all that lifesaving work simply wouldn't be possible without the generosity of PETA members. Judging by the exciting news in recent weeks, this year could be a critical one in the fight for animals. Following many years of campaigning by PETA and other groups, the National Institutes of Health has announced that it has suspended funding for new experiments on chimpanzees. This terrific news came just days before Russia, one of the largest buyers of skins from slaughtered Canadian seals, banned the import of seal products after pressure from PETA and animal activists around the world. But despite these recent victories, more than 100 million individual animals will be condemned to death in U.S. laboratories in 2012. And this spring, thousands of seal pups may still be slaughtered off Canada's shores to support the international skins trade. These and other animals need us to do everything that we can to save them from pain, abuse, and neglect. Can I count on you to help us do more for animals in 2012 by becoming a PETA member right now? Kind regards,  Ingrid E. Newkirk President P.S. PETA members were the force behind so many groundbreaking victories for animals in the past year. Won't you make 2012 an even better year for all animals by joining PETA right now? |  |  |  |
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