Art&MusicaLSlides® "A memorable password!"

Momento de descontração.
( Juro não contar qual das alfacinhas me enviou !) Rs, rs, rs...
Para desanuviar...
Always choose a memorable password!
We are all adults, and hope we all have a good sense of humor.
A lady helps her man install a new computer.
Once it is completed, she tells him to select a password, a word that he'll always remember.
As the computer asks him to enter it, he looks at his wife and with a macho gesture and a wink in his eye, he selects a word
- but he is annoyed with her reaction, when he selects:
As he hits "enter", to validate the selection,
his wife collapses with laughter and
rolls on the floor in hysteria.
The computer had replied:
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